Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fabric Pumpkin and Pumpkin Browines!

Look at this precious little pumpkin!(I didn't make this one, but mine is almost as precious!)

I have been so anxious to make one just for my Month of Pumpkins!  Last night I finally sat down and made one as Pumpkin Chocolate Brownies were baking.
You can also make one!!  Check it out at Happy Hour Projects .

A no-sew project?  I can do this!!!  Now check out mine.

Cute!  I had this fabric in my stash and thought it was perfect.   Not a perfect shape for a pumpkin, but I usually go for the odd shape real pumpkins anyway.  Now the boys want to make one!!  I thought I would make a couple smaller ones to go beside this one. 

Check out the link above and let me know if you make one.  I would love to see it.

While I made the fabric pumpkin I filled the house with the smell of pumpkin and chocolate.
I made Pumpkin Chocolate Brownies.  I love these!!!

On Sunday when I took a nap I had a dream about pumpkin and chocolate.  OK well I am not sure if I had a dream, but I woke up thinking about pumpkin and chocolate. 

I knew I didn't have a recipe for anything pumpkin and chocolate so I went straight to the web. 

Because I was unsure of the two together I really did not want to spend a lot of time or money on ingredients.  This recipe found me and it proved to be just right.

Anything in an 8inch pan is just the right size to give a try.

These little brownies reminded me more of a little snack cake rather than a brownie.  But did not disappoint.

Not too sweet and just enough pumpkin and chocolate.

You can find the recipe here .

*Changes from the recipe-I did not have Allspice so I used Pumpkin Pie Spice.  Also when certain brands are listed, I ignore.  I use whatever I like best or have on hand. 

More PUMPKIN to come on Thursday.  See you then!!!


Renee Fontenot said...

So cute!

Adrianne Surian said...
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Adrianne Surian said...

I love, LOVE the plaid! Yours is better than mine!! :D


Blissful & Domestic said...

I love the plaid. What a cute little pumpkin you have!

Anonymous said...

Such an AdOrAbLe pumpkin ♥ The brownies sound delicious too! I have so missed blogging these past couple weeks, but life has just has been so busy... can't wait to see all the PuMpKiN stuff you post.
Smiles, Kelsey