Monday, July 29, 2013

Summer Memories-Little Things Part 3

When an idea pops into your child's head you must quickly decide if it is doable.  Especially when it is a child that will bug you into you want to pull your hair out.  My thoughts are---you just find a way and DO IT!

Yesterday on the way home from church for some unknown reason Matthew had an idea of us having a tea party.  It wasn't like we were talking about Downton Abbey, which is where I introduced them to tea parties , but a tea party was on his mind.

So the rest of the way home my mind was quickly coming up with a plan.  They were serious about this.  The minute we walked in they were off changing into their tea party clothes.  OK, wait...let's stop and realize something right now, this is a boys tea party, so they changed into shorts and a tshirt.    They were on a roll clearing the table, helping get the tea cups and tea pot down out of the china cabinet. Next they wanted to help with the food.  FOOD?!  What on earth do I have for a tea party?!  Oh right, its a boys tea party.  Easy enough.  BTW-I made ham and cheese crustless sandwiches for the boys.  They also devoured shortbread cookies dunked in their tea.  I was the lucky one eating cheese and cucumbers.

They didn't care.  They were just excited to sit at a "fancy" table, drink from Momma's tea cups and have dainty finger food.  Besides we are talking about boys here and it lasted all of about 15-20 minutes.  It was a light Sunday lunch and they LOVE Earl Grey tea with real cream and lots of sugar.

It's all about the little things.  Something that seemed SO BIG to them was not that big of a deal to me.  And that is what I must always remember as a mom.  It's the little things to them that mean so much and will make a warm summer memory. 

Besides I do love a cup of tea.  And actually dunked my cookie too.  YUM!  As I hand washed all the tea party dishes I realized how much they enjoyed our tea party.  I have raised them making many "little" events into BIG events in our life.  This was special.  We don't have tea parties every other day.  As they helped prepare the table yesterday they were simply excited because I have created boys who can find beauty and joy in making things special (and pretty in this case).

My beloved Highclere Castle tea towel from a friend who visited the castle.

I decided maybe we will have a tea party once a month now.  And maybe next time we'll leave out the chats of farts and poop.  Sorry ladies, this was like I said a boys tea party.  Moms of boys will so get this!  Maybe it's time to talk about tea party etiquette.

I am now on a hunt for more masculine tea cups.  They really want to have their own cup.  Although they do not mind drinking out of the pretty ones.  As long as I have them by the new season of Downton Abbey-----Season 4 premiering January 5, 2014!!!!

So what little memory are you making this week with your children? 


championm2000 said...

I love the idea of a tea party, especially a boy tea party-- farts and poop and all :-)

This summer has been all about little adventures. Today, after I pick them up, I am planning on making spyglasses out of paper towel rolls so they can use them on the pirate ship.

I love your blog header, btw!

Amy of While Wearing Heels said...

What a wonderful memory you created. I love that you embraced your son's suggestion and really put together a fun tea party. I am sure it will be an afternoon that is not soon forgotten.

Mollie said...

A boy's tea party, how precious! I'm totally doing that as soon as I start having kids. :)

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

What an awesome mom you are!! Love the idea of a boys tea party!