Sunday, August 25, 2013

Infantile Scoliosis-Great News!!

I thought I would have had time to post earlier, but you know how that goes. 

We arrived at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas on Thursday and the boys were immediately entertained.  Thank you Children's Hospital creators.

Our first stop was at respiratory for a few breathing tests. After doing these tests several times now he was a pro this go around.  Because Ryan is in a study at Scottish Rite they do all kinds of test on him to see how a child with Infantile Scoliosis develops in certain areas.  Although Ryan does NOT have a severe case of scoli it still aids them in their research.  Next we were off to Xray and then a LLLLLOOOONNNNGGGGG wait to see the doctor.  Two hours after his set appointment we finally saw a doctor.

Hiding from the parade of people coming in and out to talk, look at his back and take measurements.

BUT after that long wait we received GREAT NEWS!  The resident training under Dr. R came in first and told us the xray looked the same as last time and they would continue to watch him.  We thought this was great news, but wanted to wait to hear it from his doctor. 

Dr. R came in shortly after and did indeed feel the same way.  Because Ryan is not in a rapid growing stage he does not want to see him back for ONE YEAR! 

Praise God!!!! 

Ryan was so excited.  He and Matthew had talked off and on all morning about "what if" he had to wear a brace again.  It was such a relief for me and Brant, but more of a relief for this little guy.

 As usual we left the hospital with popcorn in hand.  And later went out for a celebratory Mexican meal with my sister and her family.  I ♥ MiCocina....I hope to see you again soon!

Friday the boys had FUN spending their money at ToysRUs and later we had a pizza night at my sister's.  I taught her how to make homemade pizza dough.  Her first time homemade pizzas were amazing!  We enjoyed our time with family and were off to head home on Saturday morning.  You can't make a trip down 45 without stopping at Buc-ee's

A perfect place for a pit stop (great bathrooms!), trying on Buc-ee slippers or just looking around at the over priced items off the highway!  

It was a good trip, but it is always nice to be home.  Now I must push myself to get things done and begin some major planning for school!!! 

Thanks for the sweet comments here on my blog, text messages and on Instagram.  The support I receive from "friends" I have never met face to face blows me away!  Thank you for being so kind.

And most importantly thanks be to God for another year without a brace!!

For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen
Romans 11:36


Farmgirl Paints said...

oh I'm so glad you got some good news. God is good! thank you again for always leaving me the sweetest comments. you really bless my heart.

wondering where in texas you live? it seems that I know so many people there. do you like it? have a great night.

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Oh Happy Day!!! I'm so glad for you all!

Amy of While Wearing Heels said...

What wonderful news. I am sure you all feel as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

Blissful & Domestic said...

That is wonderful news. I'm so happy for your little guy!

Anonymous said...

So Happy for your good news!!! Hooray for no brace this year:) God is good ♥