Thursday, August 1, 2013

Thankful Thursday-Seeing Beauty

I find it hard to go a day (a minute or hour) without taking in beauty.  Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, forms and textures.  It can be a person, a place, a thing, an object--whatever you see with your eyes.  It can also be an action where you see beauty.

I also find it hard not to pick up my pitiful camera or phone to snap a picture of what I see.  The saying usually goes in my IS in the eye of the beholder. 

I squealed with delight as I opened the boys' blinds and saw this mushroom in the flower bed.  I quickly grabbed my camera and called the boys.  I do this often.....squeal and call anyone around to see what I see.  They come running, but most of the time they do not see what I see.

The Boys-"Mom, it's just a mushroom".
Me-"I know, but look at the details God put into creating it!  And the way the sun is shining on it!"

They pay notice, but it is just not as exciting to them.  I will keep calling them and I will continue to take pictures.

So here is the beauty I have seen over the past couple of days.

I see beauty in learning too. 
I see God's hand in this child's ability to read without really ever being taught.  His love and desire for picking up a book to learn is beautiful.  And writing stories too!

I see beauty in this child as his reading improves.  I hear beauty in every little words that flows from his mouth.  It's like angels singing sometimes!! And it is beautiful to this Momma.  So are his awesome Lego "longest 18-wheeler trucks" too.

I have always loved pictures of my sweet boys from behind.  I like to think about where they are off to as I go back and look at such pictures.  Here I see beauty as they are off to a class to LEARN about leaves.

They may not remember every single thing, but to hear them explain what they learned (saw, heard, tasted, felt, etc.), AHHHH, that is beauty.

Are you seeing (or even looking for) beauty today?


Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

I see lots of beauty in this post! It is always amazing to realize the beauty in every day things!

Amy of While Wearing Heels said...

You make learning so fun. Your boys just take it all in. How wonderful.