Thursday, March 6, 2014

Super Duper EASY Spring Wreath

I am SO ready for SPRING!!!  The crafts and baking have not been high on my list lately so blogging pretty much came to a stop.  BUT with little bits of SPRING showing I had to add a wreath to the front door.  And that did it.  I had to share.  This is the easiest wreath I have EVER done.  Took me all of about 5 minutes not including spray painting.  

So check it out.  Spray paint a grapevine wreath with any bright color that suits your fancy.  I say a spring color.  Make a few rosettes made from scrap fabric and hot glue on the wreath.  Add a strip of fabric for the hanger.  DONE!

So are you seeing little bits of Spring in your neck of the woods?  I am itching to get outside to plant.  We are seeing the grass begin to grow (mowing season is upon us) and lots of things blooming already.  I just know it is getting close!

I see porch time in my near future.  Happy Thursday to you.

***Come back tomorrow and see what we painted METALLIC SILVER!!!***


Amy of While Wearing Heels said...

What a beautiful pop of color on your red door.

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Not seeing much spring happening here so I'm glad to see it happening on your door! Your wreath is so cute and simple. Just my style!