Sunday, June 15, 2008

It doesn't get any better than this......

From a person who is neurotic about scheduling-when my schedule is off things are absolutely insane for us all.
WOW has it been a busy 2 days. With it being Father's Day I had lots to get ready for. In our house Father's Day and Mother's Day has turned into Father's Weekend and Mother's Weekend.
So for Father's Day I was making sure I gave Brant a complete break. It was his time to do "whatever" he wanted to do. He ended up working on his garden(I'll post about that later).
My Saturday I spent running around. Something I am not crazy about doing. It was super HOT and I HAD THE BOYS WITH ME!!!!!!! Grocery shopping with 2 three year olds is not fun. I usually leave them with Daddy, but it was his free time.
First we go to the Farmer's Market.
This was lots of fun.......especially for the boys. Lots to see and touch. I have my list and am trying to hurry to get them out of this rather small store. They are constantly screaming, "Mommy look at this.......Mommy look at this". One wanting to push the buggy and the other taking fruits and veggies down. At one point I turn to see bananas falling off their display. Matthew had pick some up and they all started falling. My next move before picking up the bananas was to calm Matthew. When he is embarrassed and knows he may get in trouble he usually starts screaming and running away. We missed it though. Thank God!
Next we make it to Target.
They were getting hungry(cranky)and the store was extremely busy. Of course it was Saturday and Father's Day weekend. As we begin to fill our cart Matthew informs me he has to potty. This was not the time to leave our cart. When I do take them shopping I try to find the carts that have the added seats to the cart. Luckily on this day we had found one, but now Matthew had to pee and we stood a chance of losing our cart. He had to go! I found a very nice manager and ask if he could watch our cart. He had no problem helping us out. I take the boys to the bathroom. They both go and must flush it by their self. And wash their hands by their self. And open the door by their self. All done lets shop.
OK please no more interruptions-------lets finish shopping. Did I mention how HOT I was. My patients are wearing thin and now I am getting hungry.
Finally we get our shopping underway. The boys are asking for every thing. And still hungry. I make my way to the cereal isle and get the little boxes of Apple Jacks. Oh yes.......some food in these boys makes my shopping move much faster.
Target is done and we make it home. The rest of the day and evening is full of running and getting ready. I was going to dinner with friends, the boys were going to Licia to play so Brant could have some alone time.
The night ended with a meltdown from number 2 and me going to bed with a headache.
Today began with a headache and lots of running around. Another meltdown from number 2.
Church was a much needed escape. And Thank God we have that time to worship.
Home from church, rush to get lunch ready and EAT! We were all so fussy and hungry.
The boys are both running circles around us.......just being little stinkers! And fighting with each other. Hitting, pushing, pulling, teasing-this is Ryan's favorite. Oh and Matthew SCREAMING!
Finally NAP TIME!
Brant then mentions dessert. GREAT idea......a nice, relaxing dessert. A dessert we do not have to share because they are taking a nap.
We are both so excited and rush to the kitchen to prepare this treat.
There is a happy has all been building for this........maybe I should get off my schedule more thanks, but this is going to be nice........on to the dessert.
Fudge brownies, Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla, Hershey's syrup, Cool Whip and sliced almonds.
It doesn't get any better than this inspired me Mom.

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