Monday, March 29, 2010

God's sweet children

This is such an amazing week as a Christian, but at times a hard week thinking about what Jesus endured for us.  For the month of March I was teaching Children's Church.  Yesterday was my last day and the lesson was from John 12:12-36.  Where Jesus rides into Jerusalem on the donkey and the crowds meet him with palm branches. My lesson yesterday for the little ones(ages 4 years through 1st grade)was to try to make then understand how sacred and sad Jesus must have been knowing what was coming for him very soon. Then to put it into something they understood......being sacred about going to the doctor, being scared because you did something wrong, having sad feelings because someone close to you died, having friends make fun of you.....and it went on and on.  The stories these sweet children were eager to tell me, made me laugh and want to cry because they are so precious and innocent.  BUT most of all they are learning about Jesus!  They also could tell me what Easter is all about.  Jesus hanging on a cross and dying for OUR sins and as they told me, "going to Heaven and waiting for us".  He is RISEN!  Praise God!
This was a true testament for the parents of these little ones that they are doing the right thing.
Later yesterday my boys were here at home walking around preaching the word of God. They held a book, would open it and would recite words such as, "I will glorify God!"  Matthew would say it and Ryan would repeat.  They are doing responsive reading like we do in our church.  Pure delight for this momma!
All this is a sign telling me to continue what we are doing. So on those night when we sit and read our bible stories and they want to laugh and play and I get mad, hearing them pretending to play church tells me they do hear what we are teaching.  And those Sundays when they do not want to get up and get ready for church.  Guess what?  They are getting it.
It makes all the hard work seem a little easier when you can hear them talk about Jesus.  Like yesterday morning when Ryan wanted to invite Thomas(an imaginary friend)to church because he is not a Christian.  And then tells me he wants to help Thomas believe in God and to follow Jesus.   I was blown away!!!
So as we start this amazing week of bible stories for Easter, our Resurrection eggs, crafts for Easter, baking cupcakes for Easter and so on and so forth, I am thankful for the many blessings I receive from God's sweet children.
Most of all I am thankful He is RISEN and He is ALIVE! And these sweet children know ALL about it!! Praise God!!!!

1 comment:

Janet said...

Precious children!!! Tasha, you have two wonderful boys who are being raised right by their parents!
You will reap that reward one day!
Easter IS so meaningful, and it is hard for me to think of the absolute suffering Christ went through for such a worthless person as me, and
for this entire world.
But, how wonderful to have the assurance that that stone was rolled away!!!!
Makes me want to shout just thinking of it! What a awesome plan God put in place.
Also have enjoyed seeing all the baby pictures of them!