Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's all up to us!

I have been given the duty of our garden this Spring and Summer.  WHAT?!  Yep, Brant's business is so busy(PRAISE GOD!)there is no way he can handle work and the gardens.  I love getting my hands in dirt.  I love taking care of plants and flowers.  BUT I have never planted foods.  I have watched Brant do it, but I have not been the one responsible for the growth.  Well guess what?  Not just me, but me and the boys will be responsible for the garden this year.  And BTW God is really the one responsible for the growth.....I will just be an overseer of His amazing plan.
Brant had an awesome idea to make this part of our schooling.  I agreed.  And the boys will LOVE it!
This is something they can learn and keep up with.  They have watched Brant for a few years now, but have not actually gone through the whole process.  I will let them do most of the planting.  They will be responsible for watering and checking on their gardens.
We have 4 raised beds, but we will only plant in 2.  Today we will prepare the beds and get the soil ready for planting on Friday.  We do school M/W/F, but I suppose school may go to everyday since we will have to water and check on the gardens daily.  Especially if our friends(bunnies)come back around.....they like to sample and dig homes. What a wonderful excuse to be outside with nature daily!
I plan to plant okra, watermelon, another type of melon, cucumber, lemon cucumber and squash .
So far our gardens have been a fun hobby for Brant.  We get some food from it here and there, but nothing major.  Oh I so hope we(me and the boys)can produce something.  Even when Brant plants the gardens and we get a little food from it, I get so excited to see things growing. The feeling of eating something YOU grew is such satisfaction!   And it just seems to taste that much better.
I told the boys this morning Daddy would not have time for the garden.  And ask them to guess who would be taking care of it.  They guessed every family member, but me!  Thanks guys!
I finally told them it would be the three of us.  They were very excited and surprised. 
And decided we should call it "Gardening School". (Sounds like a sign project in the making)
So here we go on our new journey of being urban gardeners. 
This season it's all up to us.


Janet said...

Gardens are one of the most rewarding things in life!
I will gladly take a road trip out there and help you how to can your garden goodies!
I bet y'all have the most productive gardens you've ever had!

Janet said...

Sorry, that should say "help you can"