Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Nature in our own yard

Yesterday was an amazing day outside!!!  A bit windy and rather warm for March, but I like it that way!
We spent some time outside planting(my love this time of year)and looking at God's beautiful creation.  And it was all in OUR OWN yard!!! 
The past few days we have heard something moving around in the front bushes.  It is so full of English Ivy there is no way to see inside.  Well I think we may have discovered something it could be.  Me and the boys were FREAKING out!  And pretty excited to see this HUGE lizard in our yard.  I guess it is a boy thing.  BUT much to our surprise Brant informed us it is "just" a fence lizard, as he called it.  Oh well it was fun to see the boys' excitement anyway.
And then our Redbud tree.  You know it is Spring when you see it blooming.  It makes me smile.
Then I discovered another surprise.  Last Spring Brant discovered an acorn from our Burr Oak tree that had been pushed down in the dirt and was growing.   These are not your little typical acorns.  They are big, about 2 1/2-3 inches long.  This sweet one made its way into the ground and from Winter to Spring starting growing into a little tree.  I am SO glad Brant's eye caught it one day and dug it up.  From there we planted it in a pot and hoped it would grow.  And this Spring it is budding out!!!!  I am so excited about this little tree.  A new addition to our family that I can watch over and protect.
We also added a sign to our "gardening school".  It is nothing special.  I worked with what I had here at home, but it is kinda cute.   It was a wonderful day of surprises and fun.
A day of nature in our own yard!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tell the boys Aunt Renee and Lauren catch lizards all of the time(green ones). That lizard looked creepy! Lauren has stepped up to snakes these days.