Friday, March 5, 2010

Nature Walk

Today we went on a nature walk.  If that is what you want to call it.  We should have taken trash bags and called it, "Clean up our park day".  It truly saddens me to see God's beauty trashed up by idiots who just do not care.  None the less we had our nature walk and talked about what God has given us.  We love being outdoors and today's weather was just beautiful!!  The boys each had their own little bag and picked up flowers(weeds), bark, sticks and leaves.  We are excited for Spring and the many walks we will go on.  At least then when we take our nature walks we will have something pretty to see along the way.  BUT even in winter we have to see the beauty of our little world.  A time of year to stay warm and cozy, eat comfort foods and enjoy the SNOW!  Yes it is fun and very pretty to see falling all around you, but enough of that.  We want SPRING!!!
What an amazing thing Spring is!!!  And right around the corner too!  God knew after a long, dreary winter His people would delight in the joys Spring would bring.  A time of growth and refreshment.
And many days outside to enjoy NATURE!

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