Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I have always been passionate about spreading awareness for EARLY Treatment for Infantile Scoliosis.  And after Ryan's appointment last week it makes me kinda MAD that doctors are not catching this. OK not kinda mad, but very mad!
Pediatricians should be checking for this in all babies.......from birth!
I am positive Ryan had it at birth.  It was not caught until he was 9 months old. We were told to "wait and see" for 3 months.  In that time it progressed.  And due to tests and procedures he did not receive treatment until he was 15 months old!

Anyway I can't go back, but I can move forward and try to spread awareness in every way I know how.
So that brings me to you.  I am asking you to forward Ryan's story, share the PSA, send ISOP's link, etc.
Even if you have done this before,  do it again.  Explain why....tell them about Ryan.  Ask those people to forward it to someone.  AWARENESS is key for sweet babies/young children to get the proper treatment to avoid a childhood of surgeries.
Here are some link for you to share. 

You have no idea who this might help now or in the future.  A neighbor's son's daughter, an aunt's grandson, a friend's sister's daughter, a cousin's friend's son, get the picture don't you?  Someone will receive this info. and maybe they do not have a direct need for it, but they have it and know about it.  Then one day they run into a friend at the grocery store.  This friend's sister's little girl was recently diagnosed with Infantile Scoliosis.  It starts with AWARENESS!!!!!
Help me spread the word!!!!!!!
(share my blog if it is easier......if you do not know how to copy and paste the links.)

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