Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Yes I know it is not Valentine's Day, but as I switch gears from the boys' birthday to our anniversary, I am remembering those first feelings I had for the most wonderful man in the world. ((blush-blush))
Saturday will be our 11th anniversary.  I can still remember those butterflies I felt the first time I met Brant.
And I knew from the very first time I met him we would end up together. What I did not know at that time was the amazing husband and father he would be.  I just knew there was something there.
Something God had planned a long time ago.
Needless to say I had a major crush on him!!!  And still do!
Love you honey!


Janet said...

Oh, Tasha, I love that picture, and I love your bouquet!
I still have a huge crush on my husband, too! It is great to still feel that way after being married for years! BTW, we almost share an anniversary-ours was last Friday)
Loved the boys Birthday pictures,too. Looks like everyone had a great time!

Tasha said...

Happy late Anniversary Janet. How many years?