Friday, April 23, 2010

Earth day with WORMS!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of watching two sweet sisters for a friend. My boys LOVE these girls!  It was Earth day so we decided to do something for our Earth.  I thought a nature walk would be fun.  Mia, the oldest of the sisters, had a great idea to pick up trash on the walk. So we all took a little walk around the culdesac picking up trash.  You know to clean up our little world.  And we were looking for things in nature.  After the walk we came back home and played in the backyard.  The boys and GIRLS decided they wanted to search for worms.  And they were all hard at work trying to find them!!!  Worms are now living in my house!  Yes we have reached that stage.  The boys are crazy about worms, snakes, turtles, frogs, lizards, etc.  They are cute to look at, but I am not sure I like them living in my house.   I know it is just the start of creatures in my home.  And I am sure there will be some in here and I will never know it!!!
**A little update on Ryan:
Ryan tolerated his brace very well yesterday with his friends.  He did bug me a few times to take it off, but he never got upset about it when I said, not yet.  He is having to re-adjust to the way it feels.  And will!!!  I am watching it closely because his orthotist did say he is close to needing a new brace.  I'll keep you posted on how he does. 
Here are a few pictures of yesterday. 
This is what five year old little boys' night stands look like-Oh I forgot we also made pet rocks too!


Anonymous said...

who has invaded my children's bodies? thanks so much for watching them. cute pics! that was a new pose for Gracie, the one with her arms behind her head!

Janet said...

that looks like a happy bunch of kids!
saw on CAST that Ryan is adjusting pretty well, and I hope it continues to get better each day.
Love and prayers, Janet