Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Transforming our space-Update

A few of you have ask about our "school" room.  A while back I did a post about transforming our space.  Our dining room turned into a DR/home learning room.  And the coat closet turned into a school supply closet. 
We are only a little over 3 months away from starting kindergarten.  I recently had a friend let me borrow the teacher's guide for the curriculum( I plan to use.  It was SO exciting to look over what I will be teaching the boys!!!   I can't wait to order it!!!!
Finding space for everything is a must for me.  I want it all within my reach.  Or at least in the same room.  I want every supply imaginable for them to get their little hands on.  And as you can see in the picture above the table is scattered with supplies.  That is from number 2.  He is always doing something with his hands.  And the table stays cluttered.  I don't mind because he is learning.  In fact the other night he sat at the table by himself and started sounding out and writing words!  No one ask him to or gave him the idea.  He just did it!!
When he brought me his paper with the first word on it I ask him how he did it. 
He said, "From my brain." 
Well of course!!!  After that I could hear him sounding out words and trying to write them.
Anyway I want an inviting, happy space for them to learn when we are indoors.  So far Matthew seems to approve.  Ryan is a different story........he might miss out on a truck or car by sitting to learn. 
For now I am still transforming our space and having fun doing it.
I'll update more as we get closer to day 1!
Here are some pictures of our room.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Tasha, you have done an EXCELLENT job!!!
It looks wonderful and FUN!
The boys (husband included) should be really proud of Mom for all the effort and hard work!
Really, Tasha, there are "mainstream" classrooms that aren't that well put together and organized!
You already know I am a big proponent of homeschooling, so I say good for you for showing people how well it can go!