Thursday, June 10, 2010

8AM-Joys of having eyes for God's creation

No it is not Friday, but I had to do 8AM-Joy today. 
I am a lover of all God's creations and creatures, although I am not always fond of them being in our yard.
We have had our mishaps of killings by the Arthur.  To name a couple......bunnies that he assumed were little rag dolls to toss around until he killed them.  And of course the time he swallowed a baby bird whole right in front of me as I stood SCREAMING bloody murder for the whole neighborhood to hear.  I still get chills down my spine as I think back to that day.  Darn dog, he looked me square in the eyes as he took a deep breath and down went the bird.
Anyway this morning as I walked Brant out(really to check on the babies)this is what we saw.  These precious little baby doves.  I suppose Momma and Daddy both were out looking for food or maybe it is time for the babies to leave the nest.
As we tried to get a closer shot one decided it was time to fly and took off.  Thank God these birds made their nest in the front gutter and not the back.  Arthur would love a little excitement with birds. 
I felt so blessed to look at these sweet babies and know where they came from and know my boys do too.
God is the creator of all living things.  And I am feeling the joys of having eyes for His creation.

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