Saturday, June 19, 2010

Random thoughts from 5 year old boys

So as I am getting Matthew dressed, yes I still dress them.....leave me alone!  There will be a day when they want nothing to do with me.  Me getting them dressed is much faster anyway, BUT just to make you feel better, sometimes I DO make them get dressed alone just to make sure they can do it.  And they CAN!!!
Anyway as I am getting Matthew dressed the other day he asked me, "Mom, I wonder how long it takes an octopus to wash his hands?"  Why would he even wonder this?
And then there is Ryan.  While shopping the other day he announces to me that he will punch the bad guys in the face if they mess with us. 
Mind you the bad guys were 2 sweet little ladies staring at the boys because they were under tables in the shoe department pretending it was an airplane and trying to measure my feet.  
And those are random thoughts from 5 year old BOYS!

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