Sunday, June 27, 2010

Shirts OFF and Endless COOKIES!

I know the title is pretty strange, but you'll get it soon enough.
So last night after bathing Ryan I was all set to put on his brace and pjs.  He very quickly informed me that he and Matthew were going to wrassle.  He went on to tell me he couldn't get dressed because they had to do it in underwear only.  I couldn't resist so I put off making him wear his brace.  Matthew was done bathing and they were all set to wrassle.  The next thing I hear is Daddy is going to wrassle too!  How FUN!  All the guys rolling around on the floor in a wrassling match.  Well the funniest part was Brant also had to take his shirt off!  MEN and BOYS!   Obviously I will never be able to wrassle with the boys.
Now on to the cookies........I try to make the boys(that's including Brant)cookies often.  There is just something about homemade cookies.  It really doesn't matter the kind........just homemade.  And plus it makes me feel like a real mom in all since I really do not like to cook.
Anyway so I baked chocolate chip cookies last night and got the thumbs up by the boys......see picture below.
Today after lunch everyone enjoyed a few.  They are so much better the next day.  Brant being the wonderful father that he is made a point to tease the boys that he was going to eat them all.  This did not go over too well with Matthew and it almost brought on the tears.  After seeing that Daddy was playing around, but not 100% sure, Matthew came up with an awesome idea.
We buy a BIG, huge, 18 wheeler and drive it to the grocery store.  A GIANT grocery store!  And at this so called GIANT grocery store we would buy a GIANT bag of chocolate chip cookies.  Bring them to our house and store them in our garage.  Since it would be such a big bag of cookies I would now have to park my car out on the drive-way to make room for the BIG bag.   As Matthew said, "Then we would NEVER run out of cookies!" 
Endless cookies and I never have to bake again?!  Where is that GIANT grocery store? 

For now I'll keep baking cookies until I find that GIANT grocery store and of course keep my shirt on!

1 comment:

Schultz Style said...

Long time no talk Tasha! I loved this one! Taylor and I love to bake together, maybe we can get them together sometime:) She is quite the little baker, so the boys would love her! No "wrassling" though! Haha!