Friday, July 23, 2010

8AM-Joys of being a Mom

My 8AM joy today is more about the little things the boys say, but it is pure JOY none the less.
Yesterday I made blueberry muffins.  By last night there were 2 left. The boys devoured them!! Ryan wanted more, but I insisted we save the last 2 for Daddy.  Well Brant never ate them last night so this morning they were fair game.
When I offered them to the boys for breakfast Ryan immediately ran to the kitchen.  But my sweet, tender hearted Matthew said, "Wait a minute.......I want to save one for Daddy." Oh that just melts my heart.  I just knew Ryan would also want to give his muffin to Daddy.  I asked Ryan and without hesitation he said, "NO!"  A boy who knows what he wants.

OK, have you ever done something that you regret?  We all have and usually learn from it......I hope.
Well thanks to Money Saving Mom,, I have been on a kick to save money by using coupons.  I had this great idea to change from my current  hair color(that I have been using for over TWO YEARS!)to a new one because of this great coupon that would save me $5.  I am already saving because I think it is crazy to pay someone to color my hair when I can do it just fine.  Well, until last night.  Anyway what I mistake.  As it was processing I could clearly see this was not going to be my usual light brown color.  Not even close.  Brant was gone, but the boys were here.  Warning: FIVE year old boys are very observant!
I wash the color out, blow dry my hair and am freaking out.  I come out of the bathroom and Ryan says,
"Your hair is RED!"  Then Matthew says, "Its.....kinda orange with rainbows."
Well GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!  I have red and orange hair with RAINBOWS!!!!!!!
I am not paying money to have it redone so I am going to play it off as if I did it on purpose.  I do like change after all.  It really is not all that bad, but I could have done without the comments from the boys.  Talk about a complex!  Gotta love the things your little boys say.  One of the many JOYS of being a Mom!
Have a great weekend!

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