Sunday, July 18, 2010


If you read my blog often you know I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE nature!!!!  It is such a blessing from our creator.  And I am thankful for all he has given us and continues to give us daily with NATURE!!!!!
The pictures below are absolutely AMAZING!!!!  Enjoy!

Praise GOD from whom all blessings flow!!!!!


Janet said...

Beautiful, Tasha!

You know how much I love Nature, and that just makes me love that you love Nature even more...did ya get that???

And you are SO right, God has given us the most beautiful things to enjoy while on this Earth.

I have been outside alot today, just having a little "me" time--just me and dirt:), something very therapeutic about it")

Tasha said...

Janet I say the same thing about dirt!!! I feel the same have my hands in dirt makes me happy! It just feeeels good :)

Janet said...

I saw your post about school on Saturdays and about "auto school", and I couldn't remember if I had ever told you that my sister homeschooled both her girls--one is in 12th grade this coming year, and they have "auto schooled" all over this county.
My brother-in-law works constriction, so everywhere they went, it was a classroom:)

While mainstream kids were sitting in a classroom reading about some civil war battle or other historical event, my nieces were visiting Gettysburg, leaving flags on the graves at Arlington, taking tours of the site of the Battle of Vicksburg,(they were over there for about a year, and they went to the sites almost every day!)(total different story, but my great great grandfather was captured there:) and even visiting Philadelphia, Boston, actually seeing history, instead of just reading about it!
Even though your boys are younger, and will probably be focusing more on ABC's and 123's:),homeschooling is just so exciting, and the possibilities are so wide open to the parent and the child. SO proud of you and for you!
I can truly "hear" your excitement about the upcoming year!!!

Tasha said...

After telling a former church friend I was going to homeschool the boys she got a surprised look, rolled her eyes and said, "Good luck with that!" This was yesterday at the grocery store. So reading your encouraging words about homeschool is much appreciated!
I have a niece that graduated from being homeschooled. We have great support there.
Post coming soon about my pet peeves of people's view of being home schooled.