Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Race is ON!!!!

That is actually the theme for Vacation Bible School next week, but the race here is to see if I can get everything done before Monday.  Busy, busy, busy, but it will all be worth it to see the children's faces as they learn about the real race. 
You know the race where the goal is to press on toward the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.  Everyone who finishes that race will win!!!!!  Once they start following the One True Way, they can run the good race and finish a winner.
While the race is going on next week I may find it hard to post everyday to my blog so I'll fill you in on some "stuff" now and attach some cute pictures.

Matthew lost his first tooth the other night.  Literally lost it......we think he swallowed it.  He was pretty upset about that, but seems fine now.  He looks so cute with a missing tooth!

Words from Matthew to Mommy.........we are driving down the road the other day and I was eating a banana.  I was done and tossed the peel out the window.  For the birds of course! 
Anyway,  Matthew says, "Mom, you should not have thrown that out the window.  By doing that the world will not be a brighter place."  I love being told by a five year old the wrong I am doing to the world.

And then there is Ryan and his latest hang up with his cowboy boots.  He wears them all the time!  Sometimes he rolls out of bed in the mornings and his feet go straight into the boots.  Seriously! 
 My favorite getup is his underwear, brace shirt, brace and cowboy boots!  He rides his bike dressed like this too.  Although we do sometimes make him wear a shirt and shorts.
Today Brant and the boys were going to Home Depot and this is what Ryan had to wear. 

The backpack has his computer in know in case Brant takes too long shopping.  Or there is a long wait checking out.  He can take that little laptop out and instant entertainment. 
And then he has his cellphone(old phone-no battery)in hand so he can call me if he gets bored.
The backpack is part of the boot getup.  Usually when he wears his boots he has his backpack on.
And the sunglasses may be a new addition too.
He thinks he is so cool!

Words from Ryan while shopping........he spots a Momma and her baby.  They are straight ahead of us and Ryan blurts out, "I don't like babies!" 

Oh God help me!!!!! 

***Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."
John 14:6

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