Saturday, July 17, 2010

School at 6:30AM on Saturday?

Why not?  If you are up this early you might as well be learning right?   Even if it is a Saturday.
They(Matthew more than Ryan)are so excited for school to start.  And it will not be long!!  We sat on the floor this morning after doing the letters and talked about how our days will go.  I could feel the excitement growing as I told them about some of the freedoms we will have with homeschooling.  I was getting pretty excited too!!!
The most exciting part for the boys was all the talk about days we take school on the road.  We plan to call schooling.   Learning on the go!
Anyway this morning was a nice, relaxing time of learning, talks of homeschool and coffee milk(for the boys.....mine was much stronger!)
School at 6:30AM on a Saturday can't get much better than this!

1 comment:

Meagan Dennison said...

Wow. 6:30am. You are have WAY more energy than I do at that time. I guess I have that sort of energy at 11pm, though, so I guess it all balances out. You guys are going to have so much fun this fall!