Monday, September 6, 2010

1st Hike

Leave it to my husband to find the good places right in our own backyard.  Not literally, but only an hour away.  Texas is full of places we want to go and we are making our way to each and every one.  We love State parks.  And out of the three we have visited close to home this one was by far my favorite.  And yes it included a hike.  Our 1st hike as a family!  I was a little nervous about it not knowing how the boys would do.  Would they like it?  Would they get too tired?  Complain.....want to go back, etc.  And then when I saw the rugged terrain....well I just knew it would not be good.
BUT they LOVED it!!!!!!
We like to pack a lunch, load up the car and take day trips.  And today we headed to Lake Mineral Wells State Park. I am a Texas girl, born and raised, but have never seen land like this before.  It was very rugged and like we were in the mountains.  Elevations range from 718 ft to 1235 ft.  We had read about a particular place to hike in the park and that is right where we headed. 


There were caves and canyons at every turn. Up and down and back up and down again.
 It was RUGGED!  But nothing stopped us!

Brant led the hike while I was caboose, but by the end of the day the boys were our hike leaders.  They had fun taking turns carrying their sticks they found along the way.
This picture above was on the other side of the park where the land was not so rocky and steep. 
We were nearing the end of our second hike. 
I must say I was quite the trooper today.  I am mostly a girly girl that loves nature. I love being outdoors! 
But I would not say I am the camping(that is our next adventure...start praying for me now!), hiking, outdoorsy type girl.  
The men I live with have other plans for me.
  Hey I didn't even wear makeup today. Now that's a start!!  I didn't complain much and didn't even make a scene when I fell down to the bottom of a cliff.  I have googled "what to bring on a hike" for next time.....the boys loved hiking so I know there will be a next time.  And I realize now I will need to take something before bed tonight to be able to get out of bed in the morning.  My body aches!
All in all it was a FUN day!  So our 1st hike was a success! 
See I even managed a smile with my boys :)


Janet said...

A must for us are packs with hydration systems!
And, you would not believe how much stress a good "hiking stick" (bought or homemade) will take off your lower back:), just make sure they are the right height BEFORE you go hiking!

Good for y'all! Glad you enjoyed it! And, I think you may be more of an "outdoorswoman" than you realize:)

Renee said...

Looks like you all had fun! Hiking is one of our favorite activities. We can't get enough of it, if it is in a pretty area. Looks like that was a pretty hike.