Friday, September 10, 2010

8AM JOY-Finding JOY

4:45AM JOY-I was awakened by Ryan calling me because he was having bad dreams.  I was forced to sleep with him for a while not ever really going back to sleep.   I was finally able to make it back to my bed by 5:15.
6AM JOY-I was abruptly awakened by Brant's alarm clock after finally going back to sleep from when Ryan woke me up.  GREAT!  I'm up now!
6:15AM JOY-Arthur(dog)begins barking while outside(the back door is cracked by the way)causing the next door neighbor's big Lab to start barking. The boys rooms are of course on that side of the house. The barking continues as he chases a rabbit through the backyard.
6:30AM JOY-Back in the house now and BOTH boys are up! Noise factor is high!
It is now 8AM and all is well.  I have no choice, but to make the best of this day.  I am a morning person after all and there is JOY to be found in this day! :)
Happy Friday!  Enjoy your weekend and do something FUN!

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