Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fall party and craft

Last week I told you I would tell you all about our Fall party we had on Wednesday,  the first day of Fall!!! We also did a cute craft that day too! 
Ever since the boys were old enough to enjoy doing crafts and bake, I have made a BIG deal out of birthdays, special days, holidays and changing seasons. 
I am just wired that way.  I want the boys to remember these fun times.  And I melt when I hear them say, "This is the BEST day ever!!"
After making a stop to a few stores we had all our supplies for a FALL PARTY!!!!  We baked cookies, had candy and talked about things we love about Fall.

                                                The boys waiting on me to start the party.

They enjoyed sugar cookies and a caramel while I had my Buckwheat Banana muffin.
The leaf above the plate is part of the craft.

We made this poster to display............

Here are the cards we used for the poster.  I simply typed out what everyone loves and we glued them to the card and then to the poster.

We'll do this throughout the Fall months.  Here were the favorites the day of the party.
Ryan loves pumpkins, Matthew loves fall cookies, the color of the leaves and to jump in them, Momma loves cool mornings and Daddy loves Fall brews.

Here are a few more things I love about Fall.
Pumpkin! Spice! Lattes!, baking and Circle E's Country Morning candle burning(cinnamon pumpkin spice scent-OH it is wonderful!)

What are some of the things YOU love about Fall?  I would love for you to share with me!

1 comment:

Meagan Dennison said...

Pumpkin Spice Lattes are at the top my my list. We should make a starbucks run together sometime soon...