Friday, October 1, 2010

8AM JOY-Caramel Apple Cheesecake Bars

8AM Today it will be 2PM JOY for a change!   And I can't wait!!!!
Well turns out I actually picked a recipe that is a KEEPER!!!  Anything with THREE sticks of butter has to be good.......right?  It is an adapted recipe from Paula Dean of course.....the 3 sticks of butter should have clued you in. 
Let me tell you these are delicious!!  I wanted to take a picture, but my little camera would not do these justice. You can just make them and see for yourself.  Or visit  The Girl Who Ate Everything  ......I followed her recipe.  While you are there you can see her nice pictures of this thick, rich and oh so yummy treat!
It was more work than what I am use to for a dessert, but SO worth it. I have a habit of not reading a recipe all the way through before I start.  If I had I would have done my prep work.  There are several steps I could have done ahead of time. But it all came out perfectly! This is one I will be adding to my list of things I like to make in the Fall.
A thick crust, cheesecake filling, apples, streusel topping and caramel.  You MUST give this recipe a try! 
I have been doing really well on my no sugar/no flour, but I had to taste these bars!  It will be rough today with them in the house.  They must go!
But first..........enjoying a small bar with an afternoon cup of coffee....this will be my 2PM JOY! How I wish you were here to enjoy it with me. 
Have a great weekend and do something FUN!


Meagan Dennison said...

how I wish I was there to enjoy it! yum. I might have to try that one...

Janet said...

Recipe printed and in my holder! This looks great! And, I am betting this will be one of my family's favorites for years to come!
Do you have the Pioneer Woman cookbook? I bet you would LOVE it!

Janet said...

P.S, thanks for the link! Looks as if I will be checking out that site alot, loads of great looking recipes!

Tasha said...

Who is this Pioneer Woman? I have been seeing more things about her. I am going to have to look her up.
Hope you enjoy the cheesecake bars. They must be cold like cheesecake should be. And of course with a little extra caramel:)

Anonymous said...

Oh ladies, you MUST make this recipe! Its divine! I'm making a pan myself this weekend.