Thursday, October 7, 2010

Haven-Day 3

Wednesday was a slow, calm and pretty peaceful day here in my haven.  I planned it that way!  Since we will be gone for most of the day, today, I needed a slow day.  Although I am excited to take the boys to their first Homeschool Day at the zoo, I will miss being here making my home a haven.
I had my normal routine yesterday morning, just a little more relaxed and with no schedule in mind.  I got up, got dressed, had my coffee and quiet time with God, emails/blog stuff and then waited for the boys to wake.
I was in need of a little light.  Not just the morning light.
Lighting my favorite candle gives me peace.  The smell is amazing...wish you could smell it! 
It screams FALL and I am all about Fall and everything pumpkin right now in my haven.

School was laid back and FUN!  Here are the boys playing a card game waiting for the prize of PUMPKIN candy.  Although we were doing two days worth of school(to make up for missing today)we still managed to finish fairly early.  After a quick run to the store my day was just about done.  Nothing major to do, but enjoy the slower paced day.  For my home to be a haven I prefer to stick around the house.  I have found when I am constantly running the roads and making appointments for this and that my home does not run the way I had hoped.  So we plan everything out and rarely have more than one thing a week to attend.

Afternoon came and I was in need of my coffee.  I guess it was a little too laid back around our home......I was falling asleep.  Coffee helped! 
As I sat and watched the boys play I opened my bible.  I was in search of a verse on strength and renewal because I sure did need it at that time.  Making my home a haven is hard work!
This is what I found....... Isaiah 40:31
But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
Just what I was looking for and needed to see!  I did not run, but I felt refreshed reading God's word and knew He would provide for me.  And He did!  The rest of the day went well..........until bedtime.
If you do not follow my blog you do not know that Ryan has Progressive Infantile Scoliosis.  This is different than the scoliosis a teenage girl would have.  It is more aggressive and can cause fatal harm to the lungs and heart if not caught early.  Ryan was diagnosed at 9 months old.  He was more than likely born with it, but his doctors did not catch it.  At age 15 months he started his treatment.  Over 14 months he had a series of 6 plaster jackets/cast to try to correct his little spine.  And is now in a brace.  At this point we do not know for how long he will have to wear his brace.  It could very well be until he stops growing. That is a long time!
OK so back to bedtime...............I spent about 30 minutes trying to console him about the brace.  
He cried(I cried)and continued saying how unfair it was that Matthew does not have to wear a brace.  And why did God make him like this.  I was hurting for him!  I don't have the words to make him feel better.  I held him and tried my best to talk him through it all.  He finally knew I would not take the brace off and went to bed.  Oh my!  How I wanted so bad to take that brace off.  But I did not.  
All I know is God was preparing my heart all day for this to happen.  Had I not been in tune with having a slow paced day, feeling the calmness and just making an effort to be still, I am not sure how last night with Ryan could have gone.  God does provide.  And when He does it may not be the way we ever imagined. 

So I am now up, dressed, waiting on the boys to wake up and us prepare for the ZOO!   
I will call before we leave for an adjustment on his brace.  It is a new one so maybe it is not fitting well.  
I  am anxious to get back home, enjoy my afternoon coffee, make plans for tomorrow and be still.

How will you spend your day? 


Anonymous said...

Hi Tasha.

Sounds like Wednesday went wonderfully...even needing the afternoon coffee...good sign you were relaxed!

I can't wait to hear about your Homeschooling Zoo outing. Sounds like fun and I hope the weather cooperated.

I am sorry to learn about Ryan's diagnosis. I plan to return to your blog when I have more time so that I can better learn about his condition and prognosis. Although NO where near the severity of the situation that you live day to day, I can relate just a bit...our first born daughter was born with hip dysplasia (yes, the same condition small dogs often have...LOL). Fortunately, her dislocated hips were diagnosed immediately at birth. Her right hip ball and socket made a clicking noise when rotated/flexed and her left hip's ball and socket joint were completely undeveloped. At 5-days old, we took her to Children's Mercy hospital for actual diagnosis and placement in a Pavlik harness. Mary Catherine did not have her first bath until she was 7-weeks old (yuck!) :) b/c the harness had to be worn 24/7 and could only be spot cleaned if she had a poop explosion. :)

In yesteryear, these hip dysplasia children were often wheel-chair bound or had to use walkers/crutches to get around. Fortunately, especially if diagnosed at birth, the outcome is excellent for normal leg length, and no back, hip or knee problems with alignment.

BTW...have you been able to link up to the Homespun Heart? Just curious as I have been unable to...I keep getting Monica's Day 2 post. Hmmm...

Blissful & Domestic said...

Hi- Tasha-

It sounds like you had a relaxing day. It definitely looks like you are making your home a Haven for your children. I found your blog through Monica's Make Your home a Haven post and I wanted to stop by and drop a comment. I really enjoy your blog and your thoughts. You are inspiring. Have a blessed day.


Unknown said...


You are a wonderful Mother and I know this scoliosis road is incredibly hard sometimes. A lot of the time. You have inspired me from the beginning of our road and you continue to every day!

Love and ((hugs))

Heidi Ferrer

Clorissa said...

What an awesome post! I loved reading about your day.
I was moved to tears about Ryan wanting his brace removed for bed. I admire you in the way you handled the situation. I can only imagine how hard it was not to take it off of him!!! God was with you.

Thanks for sharing your day!


Anonymous said...

I love your photos in this post!! Thanks for sharing ♥ Kelsey

Anonymous said...

Oh and blessings to your sweet boy, bless his heart, I hope his cast is fitting more comfortably now...