Monday, November 29, 2010


While we were on our Thanksgiving vacation Brant's grandmother passed away.  We had planned to go see her on Saturday after Thanksgiving.  She passed away on Wednesday, November 25th.  She went quickly and we are all thankful she is not suffering anymore.
Since her funeral everyone has been sharing their memories of her.  Sweet memories.  It had me thinking of my memories of her.  Although I did not have many I fondly recall her telling me about her travels on a train.  This was when she and Brant's parents had to evacuate because of a hurricane and they were staying in our home.  Grandmother told me all about her travels abroad(I think??....Kitty, I am sure you can tell me for sure).  As she told me all about her travels I pictured her as looking like the picture above.  I am not sure of her age at the time of her travels, but that is how I pictured her.  A young girl enjoying the life of traveling.
Also while staying with us I talked about how dirty our house was and can vividly remember her telling me to not sweat it.  She said to enjoy my time with the boys and worry about the house later.  Wise words from a wise woman.
Brant also shared some memories......................
Memories of Grandmother:

-Her ability to float on her back so effortlessly - her feet would be completely out of the water. I still sink like a rock when I try to float on my back.
-Fishing for perch at Grandmother Ava's pond.
-Always fed us Ritz Crackers w/ peanut butter at her house.
-Visiting her and Granddaddy on Halloween night every year.
-Walking with her from her house down to the interstate so Brent and I could try and make the truckers honk.
-Riding to the beach with her and Granddaddy in the El Camino.
-Spending summers at the beach with her.
These are just a few.  And as time passes I am sure many more will come.  The smell of something, the taste of something, the way someone says something, a look, a smile, etc.  In some way we will all remember her from time to time.  And that is what memories are for.  They may make us sad sometimes, but they are there to help us keep that person alive in us. 
They may be gone, but we always have those memories to take us back. 
So tonight as I look around my cluttered home and am weak from working all day I am thinking about Grandmother. 
Thank you God for her life and the memories we can all share.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great photo of her! Those are such sweet memories. It's the ones that don't cost a thing that are the most special!