Saturday, November 27, 2010

Let the FUN begin!

Are you ready?  Let the Christmas FUN begin!!!!! 
As you have noticed I have moved on to the Christmas.  I can not wait to get home to decorate!!!
And my blog will enjoy getting a new background often.  
I am anxious to get some cute pictures of the boys and make a Christmas header too.  Stay tuned often for my craziness of "changing outfits" on my blog. 

The boys had a taste of Christmas fun on Friday.  My older sister had a Christmas party for the boys.  She is so good when planning a party and leaves nothing out.  Including a game of pin the nose of Frosty.   It was such a cute idea!
They loved playing it!  And of course once they found out she had prizes, they took many turns.  And these were just $1 store prizes.  This would be perfect for a Christmas party for a bunch of kids.

It was a FUN party! 

We are anxious to get home and make some FUN Christmas memories. 

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