Thursday, January 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Brant!

January 27th.....what a wonderful day!!!! 
Today is Brant's birthday and his twin brother's birthday too!  Happy birthday Brent! 
I am so happy to be giving this man a day that he so deserves.  The love of my life.  The man who makes my heart go pitter patter.  I fell in love with him the first time I met him and still feel the same butterflies today every time he looks at me.  It's true!
Happy Birthday Honey! 

Me and the boys have all kinds of FUN stuff planned to celebrate Daddy's bday. He does not like us making a big deal out of his day, but that is exactly what we will! The boys went to bed talking about it.  Matthew mentioned us getting up early just to go shopping and Ryan thinks we need a school holiday.  Now that is love for Daddy.
I can't give too much away right now because Brant does read my blog.  So check back later for birthday updates.

Until then know this day is a true blessing to me and the boys!

Update-Birthday Breakfast!

First time in almost 12 years of marriage I have made him breakfast before he left for work.  Don't judge.....I was training the whole time.

French toast!

Well of course he added syrup!  Me and the boys sang him "Happy Birthday" and then he and the boys enjoyed their sugar breakfast.

Update-Waiting on Daddy

The cake is made, presents are wrapped and now we wait. Wait for Daddy to get home from work to take him out for supper.  And then on to dessert!
Brant requested Chocolate Sheet Cake for his birthday.  This is an old family favorite in his family as well as mine.  So I granted his wish!  I hurried him out the door after breakfast so me and the boys could get to work with the party stuff.  And I could slave away in the kitchen again to bake a cake. 
I'll post the recipe next week for the big sheet of chocolate just in case you have never had.  If you have not had it I insist you try it.  To die for!!!!!  Really!

So right now we just wait.  Every 10-15 minutes the boys ask, "When is Dad home?"  Which means, when is Daddy coming home.  When he opens the front door his surprise waits for him.   The boys mostly want him to get home so they can get into his new stash of candy.  We bought him this jar a year or so ago for his birthday......for his office  Every birthday or special occasion we refill it with his favorite candy. 
Root beer barrels, Starbursts and Tootsie Roll suckers.  And Daddy is good about sharing.  So now you see why they are so anxious for him to come home.  Candy and cake!

The boys' favorite part of Daddy's bday!


Renee, Lindsey, and Lauren Fontenot said...

Happy birthday Uncle Brant!

Heidi Ferrer said...

Happy Birthday to Brant!

-Heidi Ferrer

Anonymous said...

What a fun birthday ♥ It's great to make a 'big deal' out of daddy's birthday:) The candy jar is so cool and I can't wait for the cake recipe... Blessings, Kelsey