Friday, January 7, 2011

Infantile Scoliosis

Five years ago this month Ryan had his first appointment for Progressive Infantile Scoliosis at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital.  I think back to those days and the unknown we were facing.  I stop myself and realize how blessed we are. I am thankful to God and his doctor that we are where we are today.  Not exactly where I wish we were, but in a good place none the less.  He will go back for a check-up in late February early March.  Oh dear God my prayer is we he can take a break from this darn brace!  Three years, three months and seven days of bracing is getting really old.  But we are blessed!
When I do stop to think back to those days I then think of all the precious babies/children whose curves progress due to the lack of knowledge doctors have on this condition.  Just like Ryan's did.  We know he had it at birth, but it was not caught.  But why?  He was seen by several doctors at birth, but obviously they do not know to look for scoliosis in babies.  I could be angry and stay angry, but I choose to make as many parents, doctors, families and friends AWARE that there is such a thing as Progressive Infantile Scoliosis. 
It is not just something a teenage girl can get.
So this morning as I started thinking back to five years ago and walking in that hospital I got a knot in my stomach.  I remember not knowing what we would find out.  It was a sick feeling!  A feeling I hear about often from parents who also find out their precious baby has Progressive Infantile Scoliosis. I am part of a support group through ISOP .
The Infantile Scoliosis Outreach Program (ISOP) was established in 2003 in Denver, Colorado. It was created by a mother who was searching for a more gentle, non surgical alternative method of care(casting)to treat her young daughter with progressive infantile scoliosis. 
I joined the group just days before Ryan's first cast was applied.  Since then I have learned more than any doctor could have ever taught me about my son's condition.
Through this group I have made friends and learn about stories similar to ours.  Some days I get so mad knowing another child has lost the chance to grow straight through Early Treatment(casting).  But that is when I try to turn that anger into spreading awareness. 
My hope is you will want to learn more about Progressive Infantile Scoliosis.  Check out my links below.  Leave me a comment if you have questions or send me a private email.  All I want is to make people AWARE there is treatment out there for babies and young children with Progressive Infantile Scoliosis.
AWARENESS is key!!!!

Ryan's Story
PSA on Infantile Scoliosis
Bexon's Story(Bexon just had his 9th cast applied with GREAT news! Come back next Friday for his update!!!)

1 comment:

Heidi Ferrer said...

Thank you for sharing, Tasha! We are sisters in this fight!

Love you. You are such a great Mom.

-Heidi (Bexon's Mommy)