Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Goat LOVE!

It was all the boys have been talking about for several weeks. They wanted to spend their Valentine's Day evening at Homestead Farms feeding the baby goats.  Oh and making Valentine's Day treats for the big goats.  So that is what we did late yesterday afternoon.  Us and about thirty other boys and girls!!  The boys were excited to find some friends showed up too!

First off the children made the Momma goats some Valentine's Day treats.  I was surprised by what it was, but the goats LOVED them! 

Broken ice cream cones filled with pink icing and goat feed on top! YUMMY!

They were begging for more!

Next it was time to feed the babies.  Since early January over 60 goats have been born at Homestead Farms.  You may remember when the boys got to feed the newborn goats........you can read about it
Anyway they only have the female babies now, but there were still plenty to feed.  Over 30!
So all the children stood in line(some better than others!)to fill up their bottle to feed the babies warm milk.

Matthew and Grace waiting to feed a baby.

Their turn finally came and it was time to feed some baby goats!  Ryan and Mia went first.  And then after waiting another couple of turns Matthew and Grace had their chance.

There were baby goats in three or four different stalls.  All crying because they knew what we were in there for.  MILK!  "FEED ME!", they would cry. 

They ate and ate.  The boys had fun feeding the babies, but really just enjoyed being around the animals too.  I am so glad they are not afraid of animals and enjoy being up close and personal with farm life.

So that was it.  Valentine's Day at Homestead Farms.  It was more fun than any $50 bouquet of flowers and much better than dinner out!  And I got dirty sneakers to prove it!

Will we do it again next year?  Who knows......maybe we'll have our own goats to feed on Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a really fun day ♥ I am sure those goats loved getting Valentines!!!
♥ Kelsey