Friday, April 15, 2011

12 Glorious Years!!!

April 17, 1999

On Sunday Brant and I will celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary.  When any special day happens on a Saturday or Sunday around here we use the whole weekend to celebrate!  So I am looking forward to reminiscing all weekend about our special day. To look at pictures, to watch our video and of course eat a piece of wedding cake. 
Happy Anniversary to the most handsome man in the world.  The love of my life!!!
God has truly blessed me with this man.
I love you Brant!



Anonymous said...

awww. Happy Anniversary to 2 of the sweetest people I know!

Anonymous said...

Happy 12th Anniversary ♥ Tasha & Brant ♥ Enjoy your celebrations this weekend!

Heidi Ferrer said...

Happy Anniversary! So sweet and love the pic!