Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chocolate Bird's Nest

With Easter about three weeks away I wanted to make sure to share this food craft. I know it is early, but I wanted to give you plenty of time to plan to do it with your children. It is super easy and they can help!

We made these back in October of last year.  It was a craft I found during our week of learning about "nests", but this is just so precious I thought it would be perfect for Easter.  You know with the eggs.  And now is the time to find those mini Cadbury eggs for your Chocolate Bird's Nest.

You find out how to make this easy food craft here .

As we make the nests we like to talk about how God gave the baby birds parents to take care of them. He wants to be like a parent to us, too.  He wants to keep us safe and help us grow.  He knows how to take good care of us.

God takes good care of me.

1 comment:

Blissful & Domestic said...

I remember you posting this one. It looks like it would fun to make with my littles. I am starting to plan our Easter crafts, so this one will have to be a must. Thanks for your comment. I will trying the sweet potato chilli recipe for the first time this week. I am hoping it is good. If so, I will be definitely sharing it:> Hope you are having a fun week :>