Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Counting down......

School is almost over!!!!!  We have 3 weeks left and that is counting this week.  So for me it sounds better to say we have 2 weeks left.  Either way I am a little excited!  I am ready for a break.  And I know two little boys that are ready as well. It will be nice to sleep in until 6:30AM.  Or just allow my body to wake up whenever it pleases.

With it being so close to ending it is making it really hard to keep with it.  The boys and me have had this attitude of "just not having school today" every other day.  BUT, we have stayed the course and are almost done.

My mind is already moving on to what we will do during the summer months.  Just because it is summer does not mean learning has to end.  School is over, but the learning will continue for the boys.  In fact we will have school 2-3 days a week.  During the summer months I decided to make it a little more fun and have them do a computer based phonics program.   Last night we visited the site and they were able to do a lesson to see what it was like.  They are excited about it.  I think this will work out nicely.  And keep their minds learning!

And then comes the search for FIRST grade curriculum! Did I just type FIRST grade?!

For now we will push through these next few weeks and look forward to a small break we will take before summer school begins.


Clorissa said...

Hi Tasha,

Just stopping by to see how things are going with you and your sweet boys.
I love reading about your days.

We are also counting down the days to the end of the school and then (gulp!)1st grade!

Blissful & Domestic said...

oh my goodness can you believe it! I too will be looking for first grade curriculum. Doesn't that seem crazy. I can't believe the first year of home school is already almost over. You did it!