Monday, April 4, 2011

My Monday

Here is a run down of how my Monday started...................

3:30AM-a distant, soft roar of thunder wakes Ryan and he wakes me by calling out.  I console and convince him to go back to sleep.  I say, "If it gets louder I'll come get you."

3:45AM-a light rain begins and a dog wants in my bed.  He convinces me to allow him to sleep right next to me under the cover.

4:00AM-lightning and thunder are louder.......storms have hit and both boys are crying.  I head to their rooms.  We grab pillows and animals.  Ryan-couch....Matthew love seat. (something about being closer to our room makes a big difference) I cover them and go back to bed.

4:15AM-Arthur, the dog, is panting so hard it is driving me crazy.  I put him at the foot of the bed out of the cover.  This last about 5 minutes....I have no room and can not move.  I take him and put him back on his throne(wicker love seat in out room)and TRY to go back to sleep.


5:00AM-CRASH-BOOM------VERY LOUD!!!! The dog is freaking out and I can hear the boys crying again in the LR.  The dog and me head their way.  We all four sit for a few minutes and listen to the rain.  It slows down a bit and once again I console and convince my people to go back to sleep.  I even got a short nap with a tiny space at the other end of the couch with Arthur curled up right next to me.

6:00AM-BEEP~BEEP~BEEP-Brant's alarm.  I jump! He hits snooze and I lay back down(that is so against my alarm goes off and you are to get up!  I was tired)

6:09AM-BEEP~BEEP!BEEP-it goes off again and now I am UP!  Turn on a small light in the kitchen right by where the boys are sleeping, start the coffee, start a load of laundry and they still sleep.

It is now 6:40....Brant is up and not very quiet in the mornings.  The boys.......still sleeping.

I am thankful for the rain, thankful I have coffee and thankful I WILL get a nap later today!  Oh and thankful the boys are still sleeping.

Happy Monday to YOU!

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