Monday, May 9, 2011

Anxiously waiting.....

With about 30 plants and 6 different varieties surely this year we will have TOMATOES!!!! 
I am anxiously waiting!  I LOVE tomatoes.
Yesterday evening I went around the gardens to see how everything was coming along.  Looking around to see what fresh veggie I might be eating soon.

When I got to the tomatoes I found lots of little ones.  And then more and more! 

I think my favorite way to eat a tomato is to slice it and sprinkle salt and a little pepper.  Or if they are the small ones.....I eat em up like candy!


Blissful & Domestic said...

How fun! We had tomatoes last year and they were so yummy!

Jamie Boros said...

I am addicted to caprese salad right now...I am so jealous of your tomatoes! Store bought are just not the same at all!

Blissful & Domestic said...

I am so lame. I posted that award thing last night and forgot to go to all the blogs I awarded the award with to tell them. I am sorry yes you are to do the same thing. I love your blog and you totally deserve the blog award and thank you for all your sweet comments. You are such a sweet bloggy friend:>