Tuesday, May 31, 2011


 This is our first year to plant corn.  We had no idea what it would do or what to expect.  So far so good.  Last week we discovered the little ears forming.  That had me thinking what I would do with them if we get a bunch of ears of CORN.  If nothing else I'll love saving the corn stalks for Fall!!

 Black bean and CORN salsa!
 Creamy Creole CORN!

 Grilled CORN!
 CORN Casserole!
Last and certainly not least and probably our favorite.....CORN on the cob! 

Look at how tall those stalks are!!  The boys are taller than most.  We have neighbors from Indiana that told us the saying there for corn is, "Knee high by July".  Well we have gone beyond the knee so maybe we'll have some sweet CORN to eat soon. 


heather e. said...

love it!

Blissful & Domestic said...

How fun! That is so exciting!