Friday, May 13, 2011

Fun Friday!!!!

We have had a GREAT Friday!  I am tired, I know the boys will be tired and I know we will all sleep very well!  And I hope to sleep in to at least 6:30....hey I am trying to be realistic!

This morning the boys and me went to the Frontier Forts Days in The Fort Worth Stockyards. 

We went with a couple of my friends and their children. 
The Stockyards National Historic District is transformed into an authentic representation of Texas frontier life.  The stockyards were lined with encampments of historic fort sites from the Texas fort trails and elsewhere in Texas. Infantry, artillery and cavalry demonstrations filled the stockyards.  As well as a military parade.  And the usual Cattle Drive. Re-enactors were on hand to discuss frontier life.
It was a fun time for all ages.  Lots of history.  And as always we love hanging out in the stockyards. 
Later this afternoon Brant and I decided it was time for us to get bikes.  His and Hers.
The boys were SO excited because this meant the whole family would be able to ride together.  And man did we ride! 
About 4-5 miles through the trails around our neighborhood.  I had not rode a bike in years and my butt can tell.  It was fun though and know this will be a new family activity. 
After riding that many miles you work up a massive appetite.  I had already made a new rule for Friday nights and am so glad I did. It was perfect after that long bike ride! 
Friday nights at our house now will be "Homemade Pizza Night"!!! Oh YUM!!  Anything homemade is just better!  So if you are over on a Friday we WILL be making homemade pizza. 

What are your favorite toppings? I'll tell you mine.....onion, mushroom, black olives, fresh basil and FETA cheese!  I can still smell the basil!!

We all gathered around the island and worked together to get them ready.  The boys had fun spreading the sauce and adding the cheese.  That is what family time is about....doing stuff together.

Right now the boys are with Brant down at the creek fishing.  He has found a few spots lately where he is able to actually catch fish.  The boys have yet to go with him and anyone catch anything.  So he was in hopes he might catch something while they are with him.  I hope so too!
As they were leaving Ryan tells me they are going(like I don't know)and says, "Mom, this is my first time to see a real fish! I hope Dad catches one!"

I love this age and I love this day!  It has been a FUN Friday!!!! 

1 comment:

Meagan Dennison said...

we make homemade pizza on Fridays too! It's pizza and movie night. The boys also particularly love it because it's the one night of the week we let them eat on the couch upstairs, in front of the tv! The boys like pepperoni, and we eat sausage with carmelized onions! YUM