Friday, May 27, 2011

The Lake

Brant tried to fish.

Matthew played and didn't want to leave.

Ryan was cold, ready to leave and preferred to stay out of the water.

Me, I sat listening to the waves and feeling the very strong wind blow my hair.  I wanted so badly to close my eyes and go to sleep.  That is when I started dreaming of laying on a beach somewhere, taking a nap and not having to worry about anyone but me.  Oh there is something about being near water that calms my soul and makes me so relaxed.  Don't worry I didn't get too relaxed and never did close my eyes.  Well only when Brant was close by to watch the boys.

The wind was so strong today on the lake.  There were white caps on the water and the wind picked up even more after we were there for a while.  We have this secret little spot that rarely has another person around. We were all so excited to go today.  It is normally a favorite spot for us, but today was not the best day to go to the lake.

I got a little sun and was near a body of water.  That right there is enough to give me the fever and can not wait to go back!  The lake, the beach, a pool........water it does my body good.

Hope you are near water this weekend.  And enjoy! 

**I also forgot my camera so all these were taken with my cellphone.  Sorry for the poor quality!**

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