Sunday, May 29, 2011

Putting it away for a while......

We are putting Ryan's brace away for a while.

Before I explain let me just say thank you for the sweet comments, emails, phone calls and texts concerning Ryan.  You have no idea how that gets me through the day knowing so many are thinking and praying for our little boy. Thank you!

Today's visit to Scottish Rite was not as I had hoped, but looking back I didn't have high expectations of the visit anyway.  Not to sound negative, but I have traveled this road before.  I have stood up for what I felt was best for my son and that is what today's visit was for me.

For almost six years(in July)I have been my child's advocate during his treatment for Infantile Scoliosis.  And a pretty darn strong one at that.  I made a special effort to find out everything I could about his condition.  I joined a support group and read every post just in hopes to learn more and more.  And I did!!!!  I made it my job to know every option out there to treat him.

But one thing I have learned through this all is that some doctors and other medical staff do not like a common, stay at home mom to know so much. Or to ask questions.  To know how to dig.  Or to question what they have decided to do for their child.

Well guess what?  I don't care!!!!!

I know Ryan better than any doctor will ever know him.  I know what makes him tick and makes him cry.  I know what he has gone through since July 2006 when he received his first cast. I know what he went through for 14 months of casting.  I know the struggles we have faced due to casting and bracing.  I know that for almost six years now my child has gone to bed with something attached to his body.  I know that it makes him sad.  I know it makes him feel different.  And I know it will one day make him a very strong man.  Boy, do I know that! 

I also know I am thankful for the doctors who have helped Ryan.  And at this point after almost four years of bracing I know we are making the right decision.

We are going to put the brace away for a while and see what this strong little boy's spine will do.  Oh, God, protect it.  I pray it is in Your will that his little spine is strong enough to handle living without the brace for a while. 

We have made this decision.  No doctor.  No orthotist.  No medical professional.  We the parents have made this decision.  The parents that know our son better than any human on this earth.

Is this the right decision?  Yes.  Right now it is what we feel is best for Ryan.  Only God truly knows what the outcome will be, but for now we are going with our gut.  And our gut is telling us to give him a break.

We told him this evening. He is excited because he hates his brace.  He also knows things could change. He is aware he will have an xray come August or September and that "could" change things.  He knows it and we will prepare him closer to that time IF the xray shows his curve is getting worse.

For now we do all I know to do........LIVE and PRAY!


tiffiny said...

God gives us a parental instinct for our children. I truly believe that. Sometimes we do know better than the docs what is best for our children. We've had to take uncomfortable stands and I know how stressful it can be to do so. God bless you and your family. Praying strength and protection for your son's spine.

Unknown said...


You know I stand behind you, and admire you and your family's courageous step of faith. God WILL bring good from it; you and Ryan will be stronger for trusting in Him for whatever His will brings! Love you guys, and will keep praying for protection for Ryan's spine, for wisdom in how to take each step, and for your relationship with God and each other to be as strong as ever!

Laura Ferratt

Blissful & Domestic said...

I think you are doing an amazing job Tasha. You absolutely do know your son the best and what works for him. I will keep ryan in my prayers. Thanks for sharing all you do and letting us be apart of your family. I am sure Ryan had a great time sleeping last night, brace free. If anything this break may help him in being ok when it has to be put on. I am sure it is a much needed break. Anyways thank you for all your share and all your sweet comments. You are such a sweet bloggy friend. Good luck with Ryan and he will be in our prayers.

Oh and in response to your sewing comment on my totally need to get one! You should look at thrift stores or the Thanksgiving sale at Joanns. You could always get a small one to start out. It is so much fun and re-purposing is the best. It doesn't cost very much and is a great way to learn and be comfy in your sewing ability. Any-who good luck in the give-away and have a fabulous day!

Heather E said...

Tasha, thank you for letting us know so that we can be a support and pray with you. Best thing is that you have asked God to grant His will into this situation, nothing is greater or can provide more peaceful comfort than that.