Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thankful Thursday-Learning Hospitality

We love to entertain.  After the boys were born we kinda got out of the habit of having people over.  But when we do I am always so happy we welcomed people into our home.

Oh sure it takes time, effort and planning, but being hospitable is a delight. I put it off, but I am learning to just step out and make myself do it. I usually spend most of the day getting things ready.  The boys have picked up on the routine of "the day" company is coming over.  They help clean up and put things away.  And surprisingly are pretty good about keeping the main part of our home in order. They are learning hospitality.
I have learned that it does not have to be over the top to be nice.  And lets face it...if you have little ones it needs to be simple and easy.  Even the little things count and the boys are learning this about hospitality.  If they see me taking the time to make things nice then I am planting a seed.  And hopefully one day when they are married they will enjoy entertaining like their Daddy.

Little things count:
-set a nice table
-use what you have on hand
-look outside
- serve something appealing

Set a nice table
Brant had a friend from highschool in town for work and came over last night for dinner.  I had a couple of days notice, but not a lot of FREE time to prepare.  But I knew I wanted it to look nice.  He has been here before so it had nothing to do with a first impression.  I just like to have things nice....that is just how I do things.  It was something my Mother taught me and my sisters. 

So we figured out what we would serve and then the rest was up to me......making a table look nice. 
It is actually my favorite part.  I sometimes use a tablecloth, but wanted something less formal looking.  Plus we have a beautiful wood table and I love being able to see the wood.

I decided to go with placemats.  An inexpensive way to dress up your table. You can get placemats as little as $2.50 each(maybe cheaper!).  They dressed up my table still allowing the wood to show.  And these I can change out as often as my mood changes.

Use what you have on hand
I already had white linen napkins on hand that I had bought years ago.  I love colored napkins, but you can't go wrong with white.  So fresh for Spring and Summer.

I love using jars I have on hand to help decorate.  Any size, any shape.  I had a ton of tealights so I put rice in these little jars and then put the tealight down in the rice. I think it turned out nice.   Just don't forget to light the candles!

Look outside
The flowers and greenery in a jar are all from our yard.  The Gerber Daisies looked amazing after all the rain we have had.  I hated to cut them, but all they are going to do is eventually die.  We had the privledge of  enjoying them at the table last night.  The greenery is from the tomato plants and a shrub out front.  I loved being able to look outside in our yard and find things that make a very simple, small arrangement for the table.  Nothing fancy and NO fuss!

Appealing food
I think serving something that looks pretty says a lot. 
We served salad, skillet lasagna and bread.  Skillet lasagna is not as pretty as traditional lasagna so I made sure our salad was a special one.  But oh so easy!

2 different kinds of lettuce, red onion, blackberries, feta cheese and walnuts with poppyseed dressing.
Do not add the dressing until right before you are ready to serve.  Add desired amount and toss.
Isn't it pretty?

As the time drew closer for our guest to arrive the boys were anxious.  Matthew went around lighting all the flameless candles and turning on the lamps for an added ambiance.  He gets it!

I am so thankful today that the boys are truly learning hospitality.  I am thankful I can show them that the little things count.  I am thankful that I grew up learning how important it is.  And I am thankful I am still learning hospitality each time we have a guest in our home.

What are some of your hospitality secrets?  I loved for you to share.

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