Wednesday, May 11, 2011

An unexpected brace check

We are going to Scottish Rite this morning to have Ryan's brace looked out.....a brace check if you will.  This week we noticed some funky stuff going on with his little tummy. It looks like his entire gut is being pushed down to his groin area. And with the brace on it looks really bad!

It freaked me out and off we went to his pediatrician yesterday. My first thought was maybe a hernia.  She saw no signs of that. She is pretty certain the long term wear of the brace is not allowing his muscles to fully develop like the "normal" child's would.  Keep in mind Ryan's little body(mainly his core)has been in a cast/brace since 2006.  Granted some of that time has been night time only, but it has been in a restraint to correct and now hold his curve.

I am sick!  Not so much about the way he looks......he might be one day if it doesn't improve, but not knowing the long term damage this might do to his insides.  We are correcting his spine(and I am thankful for that!!!)and finding out the damage we have done now. 

For now all I can do is hope and pray the brace can be redesigned to allow his tummy some space. An open area for that tummy to bulge out and not be closed inside a brace. And get this skinny kid into some sort of swimming program or gymnastics to strengthen his core muscles.  Both sports will also help his spine.

I will update when I have more information.  In the mean time if you are not familiar with Ryan's story please go to the "Infantile Scoliosis" tab to read Ryan's story and many updates through the years. 


Renee said...

Ryan is in our thoughts and prayers today.

championm2000 said...

I am praying for good news from the brace check! I will be checking back for updates.

tiffiny said...

((Tasha)) Keeping your little guy in my prayers.