Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Little Things That Make Me Stupid Excited!

It is June and time again for Little Things That Make Me Stupid Excited!!!!!!

It may not officially be SUMMER until June 21st, but with the heat it sure feels like it! High today 96!  We have been outdoors more, playing in the water and going to the lake.  I am in Summer mode.  That mode brings on some things I just can't do without and they make me stupid excited!!!!

Number 1

This little bottle of love works wonders on my hair!  

Soy Renewal Nourishing Styling Treatment
Apply a small amount to damp hair before styling to smooth, hydrate, fight frizz and reduce drying time. Use a smaller amount on dry hair after styling for extra polish. Can also be used as a deep moisture treatment: Apply to damp hair, wrap in a plastic cap and leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse.

OK I'll be honest all that above is what the product info says. And here is what I have to say about this product.....I LOVE it! I am stupid excited about it!! It makes my hair look so much smoother. And gives it a nice shine. And it dries much faster.  But not too much or you will have a very oily head of hair.  I have super straight hair, but it does have a little frizz after blow drying and using a flat iron.  This stuff helps tame that frizz for a smooth straight look. I have come to realize that I can't have pouf in my hair and to enjoy it being so straight.  I am stupid excited about the Soy Renewal!!!!

Number 2
Since I am already talking about beauty I had to share this one too. 

I have been loving this color for well over eight years.  And it is a color I only use come summer time.  It is pinkish-orange color......I guess a coral maybe.  It cost way more than I would normally spend on nail polish, but for FUN and to make my toes pretty I'll spend the $10.
I am stupid excited for OPI Cajun Shrimp right now!

Number 3

I don't know about you, but in the warm months my feet live in flip flops.  I always say I will buy sandals, but for the price of a nice pair of sandals I can have a bunch of flip flops.  Plus I just love them!  I love being able to slip them off easily and go barefoot when I want.  OK so here comes the nasty heels end up looking so gross!  Rough, dry, cracking skin from wearing  flip flops all the time!  I sure don't have this problem in the winter months.  So here is what I "try" to use everyday.

I apply this thick cream after I have used a pumice stone in the shower to get off any dead, dry skin.  Rub this cream in and your feet feel so nice. Sometimes I will put it on really thick and put on socks for a while.  And right now I am stupid excited about it!!!!

Number 4
I saved the best for last.......I am STUPID excited at this time of year for the SUN and WATER!!!!
There is just something about the SUN that captivates me.  I become addicted to being out in it.  The feeling it gives me is intoxicating.  I told you I get stupid excited about it.

Water!!!!  Oh to live on the beach during the summer is a dream.  Remember last week when I was at the lake dreaming about being on the beach?  The picture above is exactly what I was dreaming about!  The nearest beach is about 5-6 hours away.......Galveston, Texas.  I would love to just sit and listen to the waves and enjoy the breeze.  But if we don't make it down there we always have the lake.

I could handle laying in a chair right here near the water.  Dropping my toes in every once in a while to feel the water.  And when I get really hot JUMP IN!  This is actually a picture of Lake Grapevine......the lake we frequent during the summer months and the one we were at last week.  
I just did not take this picture.
And if I get really desperate for water I can always soak my feet in a kiddie pool.  Or kick the boys out and have it all to myself!!!  I did say water makes me stupid excited!

 Join in the fun each month over at Twinsomnia.

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