Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer Eating

When the temperatures rise outdoors I have no desire to be standing in front of the stove/oven for a long time cooking a meal.  So that is when we eat quick, easy and COOL meals.  Summer style!

Our gardens this year are giving us many blessings.  Thank God for that!  Although we are not able to have something from it daily, I do go out often to check.

This morning the boys and me headed out so I could plan a meal for supper.

The boys found cabbage and quickly pulled it up and took a bite.  Not really!  But there is nothing like eating something straight from the garden.  Cabbage from a garden(or this cabbage)is so different then that from a grocery store.  This is much chewier.  Me and Ryan love it!  Matthew not so much.  I'll sautee that for lunch.  Sauteed cabbage....a little butter, salt and pepper.  YUM!

 I found a few things I can toss in a salad for supper.  And the squash I'll steam for lunch to have with the cabbage. The green onions I will use for a new scone recipe......a savory scone with bacon, cheddar and green onions. Oh man these are so GOOD!!!!  I have found with a garden I have to just cook it.  Find a way we like it cooked and eat it!  Or give the stuff away. 
Along with the salad and scones I'll make a fresh fruit salad with a simple dressing.  Oh I love this summer "cooking"! And eating from our garden.

Whether you are eating from a home garden, buying from a Farmer's Market or buying fresh fruits and veggies from your local grocery store, SUMMER eating can be most healthy and easy!!!!  Make the most of all the wonderful fruits and vegetables during the summer. 

How do your eating habits change in the summer?


championm2000 said...

Oh, you have made me want to head out to the Farmer's Market for some fresh veggies. (We don't have a garden, unfortunately.)

I love summer grilling. Not only are we outside, but the hubby is in charge ;-)

Blissful & Domestic said...

You make me crave a yummy salad. I love summer recipes so yummy!