Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Why did I start blogging? With lots of crazy things going on in my life lately it has me thinking.
And  "trying" to keep up with blogging and then I ask myself that question........why did I start blogging?

I have been desperately trying to post everyday.  Something has to give.....or slow down drastically!

Do you ever get so overwhelmed with life?  Do you ever feel the need to step back and just breathe?
Do you ever think you could change some things to make your life better?

Well I have.

I am taking a break this week from blogging.  I need some time to think about the really important things in my life right now.  Time to spend with God and pray for His best in my life.

Also a time to think about if I want to keep blogging as much as I have been. 

When I started blogging it was not to see how many blog posts I could do in a week.  Or to see how many "followers" I could get.  Nor was it to get any kind of an award.  And oh my it sure was not "trying" to find something to blog about. 

Good grief!  My life is full enough with two precious boys that I long to teach, entertain, nurture and love.  Why on earth would I want to spend my days trying to come up with a blog post all for the sake of blogging???

I started blogging to share our story.  To document our life for family miles away to see.

Somewhere this summer I got all caught up in wanting more....MORE and then even MORE. 

From a blog?

So I am stepping back, looking at what I need to change and how I want to move forward with this blog. 

I will likely take a long break and maybe even get ready for school after all our home repairs are done.

I am not gone completely just drastically slowing down on the blog front. Spending time with my Heavenly Father seeking His will. And enjoying some much needed time with my family.

And thinking..............


tiffiny said...

Enjoy your break and your time connecting with God. I will miss your posts but know you will come back refreshed and renewed.

championm2000 said...

I love this post because it rings so true. I wonder sometimes if I am slipping away from the reason I started blogging--to record the moments of our lives I never want to forget--in the pursuit of something else entirely. I always thought my blog was about us, and if, in the meantime, someone connected with our journey--all the better.

I think it is the essence of being human that we revert to taking on more, trying to do more, reaching out and up until one day we hopefully stop and say--is this what I should be doing? Is this where God is leading me?

I completely understand taking a break. I will say, though, that your blog has been a blessing to me and I enjoy reading it. I do hope to see you back--when you feel the time is right for you and your family--because I truly believe that is what matters.

Meagan Dennison said...

I love reading your blog, so please don't stop!! But, I understand the pressure, which I why I only blog when I have time and really want to do it. :-)

Heather Nelsen said...

I love your insight and honesty. This whole blogging world should definitely be for fun and a be a place for you to escape and connect with people when you want to... nothing that causes stress or takes you away from your loves! :) Your post has given me perspective as a relatively new blogger. I can definitely see where it could become bigger than you want it to be. Thanks for being so refreshingly honest. Enjoy your break!

Janet said...

This is why you are SO one of my favorite people.
You know how lax I have been...just been in a writing rut, and IS hard to feel that presure of blogging just to be blogging. I will miss your posts, and hope you will stay in touch, but I totally understand. BTW, I emailed you back a couple weeks ago, but couldn't remember if I was sending it to the right email address, just to keep you filled in on where we are! Love y'all, take care and enjoy your break!

Jamie Boros said...

Tasha, I enjoy your blog but completely agree that everything should have a healthy balance. Enjoy your time away, reflecting on your relationship with God and loving on your boys.

Yvonne said...

I love your blog too. Over the years I have had 5 blogs. They have changed so much over the years, but I will tell you I am every so grateful that I kept them. There is one that I don't use any longer, but have printed out all of my posts from and have in page protectors in a 3 ring binder. It chronicled before we decided to become foster parents, to our classes, to our decision to adopt, a few submissions, finding out we were selected for Joshua, the UP's and DOWN's roller coaster of the process and finally meeting him and his first months in our home. I cannot imagine if I didn't have that record of God's faithfulness during all of that, looking back and seeing His hand in it all. The blog I have now has turned into an Angelman info blog, and is useful to many, but I never feel comfortable putting our personal stuff there YET, but am trying to get past that and do it again. I am beginning to journal on paper again, but I am not always so good at that, only because I can never keep it all in one place well. Pray about it, and it may be a time for a break, but I encourage you to NOT delete your blog, but to let it rest, if you decide to take a break or think you are finished. I didn't print all of my other blog off until a few months ago, and haven't used it in 3 years, and was ever so glad that it was just sitting there in cyber space waiting...

Blissful & Domestic said...

I love your blog Tasha. I love the simplistic nature of it. I love your home and how you invite readers in by sharing a little bit about you and your cute family. I hope you are able to continue once school start, but I know how crazy it can be. I blog for fun, as I know you do. Remember to keep it fun and blog about what inspires you and when it inspires you:>