Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pumpkin Snickerdoodles

I just had to share this recipe!!!  I saw it on a food blog I follow and have been anxiously waiting to try them out.

So today me and the boys got after it in the kitchen.  Sorry the pictures are not so good.  The junior bakers move way too fast for my little camera!

They eat them fast too!

SCORE!!! They are melt in your mouth good!!!

You must make these this week!!  It's an easy recipe and you will not be sorry you took the time to bake 3 dozen Pumpkin Snickerdoodle cookies!!!

You can find the recipe at Annie's Eats .

Come back Tuesday for more PUMPKIN!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Gonna try them! I LOVE pumpkin and snickerdoodles ~ how perfect!

Janet said...

Those look great! I love Annie's Eats also. Hope y'all are doing well and have a fun Fall!