Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Warmth from a fire

Monday and Tuesday were both cold, rainy days.  Perfect weather for a fire.  On days like that we will literally have a fire going all day long.  Since I stay cold during the winter months having a fire to sit near makes me happy.

It is a lot of work for some folks, but we don't mind the work.  Especially since it warms our home.  And lets face it, a real fire is cozy.

I get lost in a fire.  Watching the flames dance around and burn, I poke and play with the wood, moving it around, making sure every little inch burns. 

I sometimes get in trouble for constantly messing with it.  I am learning to just sit and tend it.  Not play.

It intrigues me to sit and stare at it as it burns.  The warmth from a fire is so comforting.  It warms my soul.  And my bones. 

Last night after the boys went to bed I pulled up the ottoman right near the fireplace and sat and stared.

First off my feet were freezing!  I got them as close as I could to the know until they start to burn.  Not really burning, but that feeling.  I backed off a bit, but stayed close.  Finally after a long day my feet were feeling some warmth from the fire.

I sat there wondering what it would be like to sit and watch the fire until the last flame went out.  We had been neglecting the fire for a while since we would be going to bed soon, but it had a thick bed of coals and a couple of pieces of wood still burning.  I sat there for about 15 minutes watching the fire burn.  I could tell it was getting close to going out. 

The room suddenly was darker.  The flames were trying to stay lit, but it was time to let it go.

I watched the fire take it's last breath and then it was just very hot coals burning.  Hot coals still giving me warmth, but it was time to shut my eyes.

I turned off the one lamp, told Arthur goodnight and ran for my bed.  I didn't want to leave the warmth from the fire!!!!

Are you crazy about watching/feeling a fire like me?   Do you think I am nuts?!

Brant has been working today getting our firewood up on the patio.  We should have enough to get us through this winter.  There are a couple cold days coming this week.  But the weekend doesn't look cold enough for a fire. And today...well Brant was sweating chopping wood.

Until we hit colder temps I will be be longing for the warmth from a fire..................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am with you on the warmth of the fire! It is such a penetrating heat. A wood stove is the only heat source here at our place ~ we have a fire about 8 months out of the year. Whenever I am away from here I am cold:) There is juts something special about the warmth of real fire ♥ enjoy your cold days!