Monday, October 1, 2012

Adventures with The Fontenots coming soon!!!!!

We are still alive, we are still looking for a home and we are about to have a FUN filled week!!!

Sorry for neglecting my land of fun. 

Life has been different for sure. You might call us squatters, nomads, transients or a family just trying to go with the flow.

We have been staying at my parents for almost two months now, spent last week at Brant's parent's home while they were away on vacation and this week we will stay at his brother's home while they take a trip.

And that is where the FUN will take place. 

We will have the privilege of taking care of  two dogs, several cats, a rabbit, a couple of roosters and 40 or so chickens!!!!!!!

The boys are SO excited!!!!!
Chasing chickens, gathering eggs, running around with the dogs and bugging the cats.  What more could little boys ask for?!?! Oh I know!  Roaming around woods looking for snakes and anything else that moves!!!!!


I was a little unsure at first, but figured why not, this could be a FUN adventure! Or scare the heck out of me! 

I had hoped to share our week as it goes on, but will have limited internet access so I'll share next week!  My trusty phone will come in handy though to share our adventures on Facebook.

We will head out to the country tomorrow morning to begin our week.  This city gal is going country for six days.  And it will surely tell me if I truly want to live out and have animals! 

So check back next week to see Adventures with The Fontenots!
(or if we are friends on FB check there.)

I have a few goals for the week:
-to NOT scream when I let the chickens run out of the coop each morning.

-to make friends with the chickens.
-to enjoy nature out away from the city.
-to NOT go back into the city the entire six days.

-to make this a learning experience for the boys (and me!).

And last, but certainly not catch this pretty rooster and get a clear picture of him!!!!!!

Wish me luck and see you next week!!!!


Anonymous said...

Tasha ~ you're in for a real adventure and you're gonna make a great country girl:) How fun to have all those chickens and fresh eggs!!! Can't wait to hear about it...

championm2000 said...

I love how you make every day, every experience, an adventure. Yee-haw!