Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thankful Thursday-FUN Daddy

Last year for their birthday the boys each received two kites. I can remember how excited they were! They had never flown a kite and could not wait!!!  They each flew a kite and it quickly became destroyed and ended up in the trash. But they each still had another kite. Those two kites were never flown.  And they made it from April 2012, through a 6-hour move and 2-months in storage still in the package and in perfect flying condition, until yesterday.

For months they have seen them in the garage and have drove us crazy begged to go fly their kites.  Honestly there just have not been any days for flying a kite.

Until yesterday. 

The wind was very strong with gusts of 25-40 mph.  It never dawn on me this was a kite flying day as I fought the wind while out running errnads.  But after a short time outdoors they quickly realized it was the perfect day to FINALLY fly a kite.  And the begging soon became my worse nightmare!  That is until my knight in shining armor pulled up in the driveway in his white truck!

He saved the day!!!!! Today I am thankful for an amazing husband that took the time (after working all day) yesterday to be a FUN Daddy and take the boys to fly a kite.  Not two kites, but one kite.  He was smart enough to save one for another day.

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