Friday, February 8, 2013

The last few weeks {in an Instagram}

We interrupt our regularly scheduled program to bring you the last few weeks in an Instagram....or ten.  FUN Friday is taking a break today.  And next Friday as well.  Enjoy the FUN in pictures today. 

1. Vintage Borden's milk bottle. The lavender was a perfect addition. The bottle was handed down to me by my mother. I have had it for years and never found a good home for it. I think this is a great place to live.

2. Recess time! Going to the park is always fun. By the way, Moms need a recess too.

3. Aren't books grand?!

4. All the makings for Crawfish Etouffee (A Two Faye) Sha (dear). It is crawfish season here. This was my first time making it. It was great if I do say so myself. And I have since learned the difference in Etouffees with and without tomatoes. Future blog post??

5.You can't resist fresh from the oven homemade granola .

6. I love to be in the kitchen. And I love wearing aprons while in the kitchen. I especially love this vintage apron my mom gave me. It is special. It was either my Mama Flo's or Mama Duncan's (her mother) apron.

7. Dove, creamy, melts in your mouth love. These little notes are such fun.

8. Brant's birthday cake. Strawberry Shortcake Cake. It was by far the longest time I have ever spent in the kitchen making one thing....FIVE HOURS!!! It was well worth it to see smiles and know that everyone loved it. Secret, chocolate would have been better.

9. My "piggy bank" for spring canning. My goal this spring is to learn how to can and take full advantage of fresh fruit to do so. Saving my pennies now.

10. May the force be with you....enough said.


Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

How fun! Maybe you should do a tutorial on instagram, start to finish, because I'm clueless!

Tasha said...

Well I am not an expert at it by any means. I just kinda learn as I go. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about it. Maybe I'll think about a blog post. It's FUN to use.

championm2000 said...

I've been away (which is code for, I've been way behind on blogging).

So happy to come back and see that Tasha and her sweet family are doing well and loving life with all kinds of good stuff.

Happy weekend, friend!

Tasha said...

Oh thanks Melissa. I hope you all have a FUN weekend.
I have been missing you! Get to blogging about those sweet toddlers!!!